Talent Assessment: Inclusive Leadership

Creating a welcoming and supportive environment is critical to fostering a healthy workplace. People managers and executive leadership are most likely to contribute to an inclusive culture when they understand collectively how biases and values of their team and their own may affect organization stakeholders.

The Inclusive Leadership Assessment identifies development opportunities in order to enhance self-awareness and shape personal inclusive behavior.

Upon completing the analysis, the Inclusive Leadership Report enables leaders to identify priority aspects to focus on with the support of a customized and individual development plan. This plan can include coaching, mentoring and learning to help inspire a more inclusive culture.

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Talent Assessment: Inclusive Leadership
USD 1.00

Consider Inclusive Leadership insight for

Understand the whole picture including biases and values

Consider incentives to drive diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)

Data analytics:
Understand the current state of your workforce environment

Powered by Mercer | Mettl, Inclusive Leadership Assessment is a practical tool creating awareness, fostering accountability and gathering data and information that can drive organizational culture and innovation.

  • Awareness
    Leaders are most likely to contribute to this change when they deeply understand how their behavior, biases and values might affect groups both inside and outside their organization.
  • Accountability
    Organizations should consider linking DEI goals directly to executive incentive plans.
  • Data analytics
    Senior leaders should also be equipped with the data to understand the current state of their workforce environment. With empathy, leaders can start to rectify injustices by reshaping organizational policies and processes.

Meeting employee expectation of an inclusive environment

The Inclusive Leadership Assessment provides a roadmap for DEI implementation. The results can inspire initiatives towards the development of leaders, encouraging behaviors to evolve in a collaborative environment.

Key highlights

The Inclusive Leadership assessment:

  • Questionnaire is completed only and takes 25 minutes to complete; available in multiple languages
  • Generates an individual report according to results with personalized explanations
  • Contains an individual development plan with practical development tips
  • Includes a self-reflection template to be filled in at feedback phase, allowing the participant to reflect on their own engagement in the workplace.

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Why is it important to foster an inclusive and supportive workplace environment?

Inclusiveness workplace culture is recognizing and valuing diversity in daily life. It is taking responsibility for deciding and acting with courage, humility and empathy in different working contexts, inspiring others to do the same, guided by a sense of equity and justice. Being aware of biases and possible misinterpretations within the workplace grows trust with your teams and allows space for individuality knowing their ideas and backgrounds would be respected, creating a more collaborative space. This type of environment helps retain top talents and helps innovation.

What is meant by inclusive leadership and how should we measure them?

Inclusive Leadership can be tracked and measured through behavioral metrics in a quick and effective way. The Mercer | Mettl Personality Map (MPM) is an online tool used to pinpoint existing individual qualities against the Inclusive Leadership Model.

Inclusive Leadership Model

The 4 factors Inclusive Leadership Model was designed using 20 research studies, with ten from scientific and ten from business literature, looking for occurrences between those contents.

The model is reflected in four situations



Being curious about what is different from oneself, showing empathy, openness and flexibility, with an awareness of one's own biases, stereotypes and prejudices, in order to overcome them.

one-to-one interaction


Adopting active listening to welcome uniqueness, creating an environment of psychological safety that encourages speaking up, open exchanges, ensuring participation and collaboration from everyone.

relationship with the team


Valuing differences, being aware of the uniqueness of each individual, stimulating and supporting its development in order to maximize the contribution towards the common goal.

actions performed in the organization


Managing any conflicts that may arise from diversity, taking the risk to change the status quo and making fair, participatory decisions with courage.

Mercer | Mettl’s Personality Map (MPM)

The MPM is a comprehensive measure of adult personality. The activity assesses personality through 28 traits covered in 175 questions, answered on a 6-point Likert-based agreement scale. It has been developed at par with modern assessment standards, specifically for use in occupational settings.

We use MPM psychometric survey for mapping to evaluate the personal characteristics that most impact on our behavior and leadership style. Mapping is a process linking the identified competences of such a model with the personality traits that can be predictors of such competences. The mapping is carried out by a team of psychometric experts who are able to take advantage of the scientific literature and experience regarding personality questionnaires and their role in predicting specific behaviors.

Take the Inclusive Leadership assessment further and complement it with further feedback and development.

  • Inclusive Leadership Assessment
    Facilitating the identification of intrinsic resources to leverage, as well as possible development areas, in order to enhance self-awareness to shape personal inclusive leadership approach.
  • Inclusive Leadership Assessment & 360 feedback
    Comparing self-perception to other perspectives to gain a clear overview of leadership inclusive impact. Identifies development opportunities and sets an effective development path.

  • Inclusive Leadership Assessment, 360 feedback & feedforward
    Accelerating behavioral transformation by look in-depth to participant perception to gain more understanding of how they ground inclusive leadership behaviors on a daily basis. Identifying individual potential and strengths to reinforce the leadership impact and co-create an enhancement plan.

  • Inclusive Leadership development

    Practice inclusive leadership behaviors, gather information from direct observations in a simulation case. Engage groups in collective plan to define consistent approach toward inclusive leadership in own function within organization.

Inclusive Leadership Assessment results can be used to customize the different development path, according to emerged needs. The main areas of development solutions are Coaching & Mentoring and Learning & Development.

Development plans can incorporate a number of activities depending on personal needs and preferences:

  • Group events
  • Training
  • Coaching
  • Mentoring

Example of development journey:

Available training:

  1. Unconscious bias
  2. Be an ally
  3. Act fair behaviors
  4. Process de-biasing for Managerial role (especially in performance appraisal)
  5. Navigating diversity, equity and inclusion
  6. Inclusive communication
  7. Fostering psychological safety
  8. Creating an inclusive working environment
  9. Win with Empathy
  10. Be a leader of identities

Transforming your organization through a focus on Inclusive Leadership development

Engage Top management
in your inclusive future

Align with Leadership Team on key messages and company’s evolution objectives

Create awareness events and Target onboarding and engagement

Conduct analysis on the current state of workforce and identify areas of improvement

Analyze current Leadership model

Identify Inclusive Leadership potential

Co-design solutions
based on areas of improvement with respect to HR processes

Build a new leadership model and rethink incentive mechanisms

Define career development paths

De-bias processes and use nudging techniques

Start a cultural change spreading the leadership model and inclusive competencies

Develop Inclusive Leadership mindset through managerial leadership training and coaching and mentoring programs

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Get in touch to start your Inclusive Leadership journey. Tell us about your business needs including head office location and operating countries.

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