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Create an accountCompare your company to the market with base salary and total cash compensation data for up to 50 benchmark jobs.
Looking for additional data, insights, and tools? TAAP+ subscribers also have exclusive access to our salary increase projections calculator!
Employee pay often represents the largest expense for companies, and it’s important to provide competitive compensation that helps you attract and retain the right talent while also balancing your budget. Quickly review and evaluate base salary and total cash compensation around the world for a core set of benchmark jobs.
50 benchmark jobs organized by job family:
Check out this list of markets available for Global Pay Summary.
A global online subscription includes 12 months' access to market specific data for all available markets. Global online includes the Excel reports. Region Excel reports include access to market specific data for all available markets within the selected region.
The global online tool offers multiple languages options, including English, Spanish and French!
Product details
Published: January 2023
Next release: January 2024